The Gut Connection Blueprint™

You’re about to feel a whole lot better.

The Gut Connection Blueprint™ is the most comprehensive yet approachable way to unlock the secret to overcoming chronic health challenges. This 4-month course is your ultimate step-by-step guide to restore gut health, reverse stubborn symptoms, and transform your life.

Before I tell you about this program, let’s make sure you’re a good fit.

You are the perfect fit for The Gut Connection Blueprint™ if you have been dealing with chronic symptoms and are frustrated because you feel like you have been failed by the traditional medical model. Maybe you’ve tried to be your own advocate and do your own research, piecing together information from various places on the internet, books you’ve read, friends, or even social media. No judgement here—I appreciate a well-read self-advocate!!

The Gut Connection Blueprint™ is right for you if you feel “stuck” with annoying or even debilitating symptoms, if you are overwhelmed with how much you’ve had to adapt your diet or your routine just to be able to get through your day-to-day, or if you feel like you’re just going through the motions day after day wondering if all of the x, y, z you’ve been doing are really making any difference.

If you are…

  • An overachiever, a nurturer, a helper, an empath who spends what little energy you do have focused on those around you and feel like you just don’t have anything left for yourself.

  • Someone who has been dealing with chronic symptoms for years and feels dismissed or misunderstood by healthcare providers.

  • Someone who just wants to feel “normal” again.

You’re in the right place!

The Gut Connection Blueprint™ will give you the tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support to restore your gut microbiome, boost immune function, and detoxify years of toxic junk, jumpstarting your body’s cellular energy and innate healing potential. No matter what symptoms you may be experiencing, my foundational blueprint is the same, and I’ve got a proven process that WORKS.

By the end of 16 weeks you will have…

  • Nourished your body with foundational foods that create the building blocks needed to support regular detoxification.

  • Revolutionized your approach to digestive health with a gentle, yet highly effective purge of parasites and toxic sludge.

  • Discovered the root cause of your root causes—toxins—and watch your ailments fade away as you support cellular energy and decrease your toxic load.

  • Created healthful habits without the overwhelm by incorporating rhythms that boost your body’s innate healing potential every single day.

meet your instructor

Erin Lawson


Erin has personally utilized this exact same protocol in her own wellness journey, so she knows the content intimately. She also knows how powerful and life-changing these supplements can be when used together with the concepts she will teach you.

Erin is a lifelong student and passionate wellness expert. She had specialized in gut health and autoimmunity in private nutrition practice but started digging even deeper when her husband’s journey with Chronic Lyme left them with more questions than answers. They discovered the foundational medicine principles taught by CellCore Biosciences, and the CellCore supplement protocol radically changed both of their lives. Family and friends were soon eager to experience the same benefits as they saw the changes in her husband’s health, especially. The need for a course soon developed as Erin wanted to bring this content and these supplements to her clients on a larger scale, and the idea for The Gut Connection Blueprint was born.

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

One time
For 6 months

The next course launches September 30, 2024. Make sure you're on my email list to receive updates when enrollment opens!

✓ Watch recorded lessons at your convenience
✓ ALL supplements included
✓ Healing in Community
✓ Live Q+A sessions with Erin
✓ LIFETIME access to all content

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Everything you need to be successful is included with the price of the course! You will receive the full CellCore Foundational Protocol supplement(steps 1-4) in the mail just in time for launch day. Any additional tools or recommendations mentioned in the course are optional but are often available with discount codes.

  • We will be discussing the foundations of a nourishing diet that supports regular detox without feeling restricted! Shopping lists and recipe ideas will also be provided.

  • This course will walk you through parasite elimination as a crucial step for restoring proper digestion, but it is so much more than that!

  • Although everyone is different, by following the recommendations outlined in this course, you could experience more restful sleep and increased energy, better digestion, clearer skin, less pain, fewer headaches, more restful sleep, better focus/less brain fog, and more!

  • All of the course content and videos are created by Erin. In a sense, you will have more of her through this course via weekly content than her private clients! During the course, you will also have access to LIVE Q&A sessions to ask her questions and gain valuable feedback from other course participants too!

  • We would use the results from these 4 months to determine your personalized next steps. People with more complex chronic conditions (i.e., tick-borne illnesses, autoimmunity) are encouraged to continue into 1:1 coaching with a more individualized approach using CellCore Phase 5 supplements.